1 Min Read • April 20, 2017
The Difference Between Men & Women (The Car-Buying Edition)
Maybe you’ve heard the news: men and women are different (Shocker!). But the differences between men and women don’t end with their biology. In fact, women and men have different needs and approaches to car buying. And whether you realize it or not, women influence 85 percent of purchasing decisions, they have more driver’s licenses then men, and they’re the largest emerging market.
So it makes sense that dealers would try to better understand women and adjust their approaches to selling to them, right? But, the truth is that most dealerships are afraid to acknowledge gender. They’re scared that treating women differently will signal that they’re not treating them equally. So how does a dealer ultimately treat their customers best? They treat each customer as an individual and cater to their specific needs.
When it comes to selling cars to women, this means acknowledging that the experiences they generally seek in a dealership or a vehicle are different than men. And a good dealer will take these differences into consideration when trying to create a great customer experience. So what’s the difference?
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Peter Kahn is the Director of Retail Insights at CDK and is tasked with building tools to help dealerships understand the value of Internet-based marketing. With a focus on helping dealers connect with shoppers, Mr. Kahn has built out a team that focuses on the automotive shopper experience as a way of providing actionable insights that will improve shopper satisfaction and dealership profit.