3 Min Read • October 23, 2023
Transparent Pricing’s Impact on Dealership Service Workflows

While each dealership is unique, offering an elevated customer experience is a common goal among most, if not all. According to the CDK Global Friction Points Study, 77% of dealers say improving customer experience is their most important business strategy and rightfully so. Research also shows that transparent pricing is the number one feature requested by service shoppers, and a single pricing database that’s accessible throughout the entire repair process is the key to providing a better customer experience.
Consistent Pricing Throughout the Entire Service Workflow
Multiple pricing databases can cause serious issues — for the dealership and customers. Not only does it take ongoing, continuous effort to keep them in sync, but it runs the risk of data errors leading to even more time spent for corrections as well as loss of productivity. Additionally, inconsistent prices may require overriding the repair order to align with what the customer or the parts department quoted. Accurate service and pricing information helps with selling efforts, optimizes service operations, and helps the team avoid slow-downs and duplication of efforts.
Real-Time Integration Provides Visibility to Parts Inventory
How often do advisors and technicians visit the Parts department to confirm if a part is in stock? Even if there’s stock, is it already reserved for another customer? How long will it be held or sitting on the shelf? When will additional stock be available? Answers to these questions can keep the customers waiting and interfere with the team’s productivity.
With an integrated pricing and parts database, advisors can get real-time information on stock availability as well as the associated labor costs for the repair so advisors can keep customers updated in a timely manner and get to their repair quickly.
Standardized Process With Predictable Pricing
As stated above, when different teams are working in different pricing systems, a customer could potentially be quoted one price from the Service advisor, another from the technician and yet another from the Parts department. Anytime anything is priced incorrectly — overpricing or underpricing — it’ll likely impact gross profit, especially if the customer has already received a quote that requires an invoice adjustment.
Transparent and consistent pricing throughout the workflow for both service teams and customers regardless of who quoted, supports the credibility of the dealership and helps build — and maintain — trust for the customer.
Deliver an Exceptional Customer Experience
How often do customers attempt to schedule a service appointment online or by phone but stop because there’s no pricing available or because a service advisor needs to gather pricing and parts availability? Customers get frustrated when they’re left on hold, which can impact Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) scores. If you put the information in their hands while they schedule an appointment, or when you recommend additional services, you can address that top feature requested by service shoppers: transparent and consistent pricing.
Accurate parts and service information not only enables dealerships to operate seamlessly throughout the repair process but also provides customers with the service and pricing information they need to make informed decisions and develop trust in the dealer. An integrated single-pricing database can turn the service department into a well-oiled machine and keep customers coming back.
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Jeanie is enthusiastic about driving the success and profitability of Dealers’ Parts and Service departments by championing our solutions.