1 Min Read • May 6, 2024
What Dealers Say About the EV Transition

As the electric vehicle revolution propels forward, dealers across the country are coming to terms with learning, selling and servicing a new class of vehicles that many consumers have never driven and show little interest in.
CDK has covered the state of the EV landscape from the EV shopper, the ownership experience and the impact on dealership service in three studies over the past year.
Our fourth and final installment in this series focuses on feedback dealer leadership from every corner of the country whether they’re rural, suburban or urban to understand their perspective as EV sales have begun to stagnate. They share how optimistic they are about the future, the impact on their bottom line and how fast they’re moving to fully support EV sales and service.
The Dealers Face the EV Transition white paper also looks at all these findings through the lens of geography. That’s because where a store sits can dramatically impact the EV equation. The attitudes found along the Pacific don’t mirror those around the Great Lakes or the Gulf Coast and this research uncovers where there may be more optimism than expected.
Download the Dealers Face the EV Transition white paper
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EV Service: Today and Tomorrow
The EV Ownership Lifestyle
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