CDK Parts Delivery Management
Track your wholesale customers' parts orders from sale to delivery with CDK Parts Delivery Management.

CDK Parts Delivery Management Benefits
Fewer Errors, More Profits
Shipping the wrong parts — or to the wrong destination — wastes time and money. With Parts Delivery Management, orders are scanned and verified to make sure the right parts make it to their destination.
Stay in the Loop
Parts are scanned during the picking, verifying and staging cycles to ensure accuracy and provide real time status of the order from the time it's requested until it's put on the truck for delivery.
Easy, Instant, Automated
Efficiency is key for a healthy Parts department. That’s why we designed Parts Delivery Management to be your Inventory Manager’s best productivity tool.
Using PDM, we run at 99.2% accuracy at time of delivery, while averaging 3,000 invoices per day.
Parts Delivery Management Features
Stay informed about Parts orders with dealer-focused solutions from CDK Global.
Tracking & Status Updates
Get instant updates about your Parts orders. Enable your Inventory Managers to verify information before shipping, creating a more informed and efficient Parts department.
Productivity Tools
Increase accuracy of the picking, verifying and staging of customer parts orders with our scanning technology.
Automated Manifests
Automatically generate shipping manifests and give delivery personnel a checklist of all delivery orders — minimizing errors and increasing shipment accuracy.
Flexible Reporting
Customizable reports help your Parts or Warehouse Manager track the metrics most relevant to your business, including team performance and tracking cycle time.
CDK Integration
Parts Delivery Management fully integrates with the CDK Drive Parts application, providing your team with enhanced functionality and a single powerful management platform.
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