1 Min Read • January 23, 2025
The 10 Commandments of Used Vehicle Inventory Management

If you have it, they’ll come — the right car that is. Car dealerships run on inventory and without it, shoppers aren’t likely to visit. Car buyers say the number one reason they visit a specific dealership is because it has the specific car they're looking for on the lot.
The prime importance of inventory is the reason CDK launched the Vehicle Inventory Suite within our Dealership Xperience platform. After hearing from dealers around the country, we learned exactly what kind of inventory tool will meet their needs as well as customer demand. Not only did their feedback help inform our product, it also clearly spelled out the most important aspects of inventory management. As a result, CDK developed the 10 Commandments of Used Vehicle Inventory.
These 10 needs surfaced to the top of a hundred that dealers from around the country ranked across a variety of factors and all require top technology to answer.
We also share the Top Three Inventory Opportunities that’ll deliver outsized value back to dealers. You can see what ranks at the top of dealers’ minds in our full report.
Download the 10 Commandments of Used Vehicle Inventory report
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