2 Min Read • July 20, 2022
Communication Is Key to Your Bottom Line

During these times of vehicle shortages and staffing challenges, trying to maintain your dealership while moving the needle in the right direction takes a lot. The three primary ways dealers can raise profits is by expanding your customer base, focusing on customer interactions, and increasing add-on sales. Communication plays a key role in how you go about meeting those objectives.
1. Who’s Calling and Why?
Customers have come to want instant satisfaction in getting answers. When they call your dealership, they're looking to get connected to the right person or department within seconds, and they want answers in minutes. Ask yourself: Do you know who’s calling? Are you answering and getting them to the correct person? The average dealer loses $115,000 per month from their staff’s poor phone technique1.
2. Missed Calls = Missed Opportunities
Each call you receive could be a revenue opportunity. Do you know how much you're missing? Dealerships are passing on huge profits when they miss — and customers don't like to leave voicemail. Find out what opportunities have been passing you by. Our effective collaboration solution provides all of this information at your fingertips in seconds.
3. Keep Them Coming Back
28% of auto buyers who make a call will purchase a vehicle. Is your team handling those communications in the right way to get them in the door? Getting customers in the door is the first step, but keeping them coming back is key. Is your team handling calls in an effective way to gain trust with customers and keep them coming back?
Every customer is unique. The experience you deliver for them should be, too. Communication is key to any business and reaching a customer in the way they prefer allows you to stay in touch. It’s how you keep them coming back. To ensure you reach these three simple objectives, make sure you know who’s calling.
Learn more about how collaboration in the dealership can help your ROI. Download our latest e-book and visit cdkglobal.com/collaboration to improve your collaboration solutions.
1 Proactive Dealer Solutions
2Marchex 2017 Automotive Call Handling Index of 8 million calls
3 http://investors.marchex.com/news-releases/news-release-details/new-auto-industry-study-28-consumers-who-call-dealership-will
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Brenda Lynch is a senior product marketer for Collaboration products at CDK Global. Brenda has over 14 years of experience in product, product marketing, sales and product strategy. Brenda is responsible for sharing how CDK Collaboration products can help dealers stay connected to their customers.