4 Min ReadJune 1, 2021

Supercharge Your CRM Use

Supercharge Your CRM Use

The theme song to the classic sitcom "Cheers" states that “sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.” This is especially true when it comes to car shopping — customers want to go where everybody knows their name.

After all, dealers are in the people business. And what do most people want? Recognition. They want to feel like someone knows them, cares about their wants and needs, and works to fulfill those needs.

In today’s fast-paced world, the best way to remember your customers and give them a "Cheers"-like personal experience is by using a CRM.

A CRM allows you to keep all customer information in one central spot. It’s one login to access a customer’s past purchases and service history, and also a place to take detailed notes. For example, a customer loves boating and you talked about it last time they were in. The next time they call or you see them, you can ask if they’ve been out boating recently.

It’s the little things that build rapport and add up to trust. And people buy things from people they trust. The CRM enables you to remember all the little details that over time make you a customer’s trusted advisor and “go-to” car person.

A CRM isn’t just for franchised dealers.

It’s just as important if you’re out on your own. When you go from selling cars to opening lots, the startup costs are significant. You have to buy vehicles, rent space, pay taxes and more. It’s no wonder most dealers start out really lean when it comes to technology.

But to get repeat business you have to stay in front of people. You need a way to communicate about new inventory or financing specials. A CRM is the best way to do that.

Sticky notes, multiple software platforms, or digging through files isn’t the way to go. These manual processes take a lot of time and are often prone to errors. With a robust CRM, you can streamline communications, set up tasks and keep detailed customer notes. Many CRM platforms also allow basic email so you can work within one platform and have a complete record of customer interactions.

Of course, simply having a CRM won’t get you detailed customer records. Your employees have to use it. That’s why a CRM is only as good as the processes behind it. The struggle to get employees on board is real, but it’s not insurmountable.

A mobile-friendly CRM is one of the best ways to encourage use.

Allow employees to access the CRM and enter details right from their phones and you’ll get more detailed records. Driver’s license scanners are also a great tool to save time — employees like them because they don’t have to physically enter details.

A mandatory daily check-in is a good strategy to hold your Sales team accountable.

During the meeting, review opportunities from the previous day and spot check your staff against task lists. If tasks routinely go undone, create a plan of action that includes daily one-on-ones, mentoring and coaching.

CRM reports can show you where your team is succeeding and where it’s falling behind.

The user activity completion report is especially valuable to track who is ticking items off the to-do list, and who needs help to stay on track. The activity performance report breaks out showroom, internet and phone-ups by salesperson for a quick insight into what activities are resulting in appointments and sales.

Be careful rewarding CRM use with bonuses.

A bonus for completing all tasks (whether awarded weekly or monthly) may sound tempting, but shouldn’t proper CRM use be a requirement of the job? Instead, mandate its use and deal with outliers through mentoring and coaching. If it's a required part of the job, your team will adopt the practice — and it will pay off. Proper use of the CRM is like the sales process. If you follow the process, you’ll make money. If you skip steps, you’ll lose money.

CRM technology allows independent and franchised dealers to deliver a "Cheers"-like customer experience that builds rapport and trust — if employees use it. Mandate proper processes and lean on CRM reports to hold employees accountable, and you’ll give your team a leg up on cultivating personal relationships that pay off year after year.

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