All Insights
Attract New Customers and Win Back Old Ones
Our Service Shopper 2.0 study reveals how customer perceptions and actions have changed since our 2020 study. Read it today to see new data and insights that will help you increase shopper satisfaction and profits in your Service Department.
1 Min Read•Oct 29•CDK Global
When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Everyone Is a Target
Dealers have a lot of valuable data, from business insights to financials and data about their customers and employees.
4 Min Read•Oct 27•CDK Global
The Advantages of Using VPN
Never before has the need for data privacy and protection been so pressing. Since the pandemic, the workforce has shifted to a more hybrid model, and employers are striving to prioritize being able to work and access data from any location.
3 Min Read•Oct 25•Jessie Hammonds
Cyber Liability Insurance - What You Need to Know
Cyber liability insurance, like all insurance, is something you have to have that you never want to use. And the more secure systems you can put in place, the more likely it is you can get coverage with affordable premiums. This Ebook outlines the basics of cyber liability insurance.
1 Min Read•Oct 25•CDK Global
Building Dealership Trust With Gen Z Customers
Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z and now Gen Alpha. Each age group is marked by its attitudes, its beliefs and its habits.
5 Min Read•Oct 18•CDK Global
Fight the Phish
Phishing is more prevalent then ever in our industry. Employees need to be aware of this threat to help keep your dealership safe. This infographic will help them recognize some common phishing attempts.
1 Min Read•Oct 14•CDK Global
5 Tips for Overcoming Objections in Car Sales
Less inventory to sell also means that many salespeople are sitting idle right now. Why not put them to work sending targeted emails to customers and prospects?
4 Min Read•Oct 12•CDK Global
Choosing the Best Service BDC for Your Dealership
Sales can be spectacular, but Service is what keeps the lights on. And with pandemic-related chip shortages, supply chain issues and inventory challenges, Service business is booming.
5 Min Read•Oct 7•CDK Global
4 Ways To Build Trust in Your Car Dealership
When markets are tight, inventories are short and prices are high, active customers will buy a vehicle from any dealership that has one available.
5 Min Read•Oct 7•CDK Global
How the FTC’s Amendments to the Safeguards Rule Affects Auto Dealerships
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a change in the fall of 2021. The Safeguards Rule, which was created to...
4 Min Read•Oct 6•CDK Global
The Importance of Security Awareness Training
The challenge of maintaining your dealership’s cybersecurity extends beyond the technical realm to include a critical layer of personal responsibility....
2 Min Read•Oct 4•Jessie Hammonds
Stop the Fear Behind the Unknown: The Top Ten Things You Should Know About Cyberattacks
As dealerships grow and connect more devices to their network, the risk of a cyberattack increases exponentially. Getting to know some cybersecurity basics and putting them into practice will help you protect your dealership.
4 Min Read•Oct 3•CDK Global