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3 Steps to Incident Readiness
Improve cybersecurity outcomes by preparing your dealership IT Security team to respond quickly and effectively.
1 Min Read•Jul 5•CDK Global

Gen Z White Paper
Download the White Paper...
1 Min Read•Jun 23•CDK Global

Growing and Keeping Your Technician Team
The “great resignation” didn’t just impact restaurants and boutiques. Many dealership Service departments are feeling the impact of staffing shortages more than ever before.
4 Min Read•Jun 14•Jeff Beals

Auto Shows Deliver a Vital Hands-On Shopping Experience
Inventory shortages and pandemic closures have kept car shoppers from experiencing the product. The return of auto shows is a critical opportunity to keep shoppers in their car-buying journey.
4 Min Read•Jun 2•Barb Edson

Get What You Want From Your Next Automotive CRM With This Checklist
Most dealers are painfully aware of what part of their current system they are unhappy with, but far fewer have considered exactly what they want or need.
3 Min Read•May 31•CDK Global

Now Is the Time to Learn and Lead With AI
For the past two years as an industry, we’ve been expecting things to get back to normal when it comes...
4 Min Read•May 11•CDK Global

Advanced Vehicle Lookup API Leaves Outdated VIN Decoders Behind
As today’s digital-savvy shoppers do more of their new and used vehicle shopping online, they need access to quick and accurate vehicle information.
3 Min Read•May 5•CDK Global

5 Factors to Consider Before Every Technology Investment
They’re the considerations that help determine the success of every dealership solution and supplier relationship. But all too often, they get buried beneath a landslide of technical info.
1 Min Read•Apr 25•CDK Global

4 Outbound Customer Retention Strategies for Sales and Service
Successful dealers are pivoting towards repeat customers as the focus of outbound sales and service campaigns.
6 Min Read•Apr 14•CDK Global

Notable Trends at NADA 2022
NADA 2022 conversations we were able to have with colleagues in person were more informative and even more exciting than we expected.
4 Min Read•Apr 4•CDK Global

Look to Your Vendors for Sales Training
Today's automotive sales training often delivers a poor experience, simply because the programs were not designed with modern retailing in...
2 Min Read•Mar 28•CDK Global

When It Comes to Customer Satisfaction and Productivity, Lacombe Ford Leads the Way
Read how this family-owned dealership in Alberta, Canada raised its dollars per RO, racked up an astonishing 107% customer retention rate, and earned the coveted President’s Award 15 times in a row. Hint: they rely on Ford Service Lane Technology.
1 Min Read•Mar 28•CDK Global