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CDK Releases the Friction Points 2024 Study
The automotive industry has returned to somewhat of a pre-pandemic state at the end of 2023, but car buyers are...
1 Min Read•Feb 1•CDK Global

The Game-Changing Value of an Automotive CRM
The automotive industry is known for its love of acronyms and buzzwords. Most of the time we see dealers change...
5 Min Read•Feb 1•Amber Good

Busting the Top 5 Myths About the American Car Dealer
When you live and breathe the industry you work in, you tend to get a little protective of your colleagues...
5 Min Read•Jan 29•Barb Edson

What’s Changed in Service Shopper 3.0
Winning over a shopper is difficult for any type of retailer. Securing someone’s business looking to service their car however,...
1 Min Read•Jan 12•CDK Global

F&I Manager Tips: Hidden Opportunities in the Service Dept
At first glance, the F&I and Service departments may seem worlds apart. Yet, both departments are critical linchpins in connecting...
4 Min Read•Jan 12•Saundi Crandall

New Cars Easier to Find, Bolstering Buyer Attitudes
Car buyers raced against the clock to secure deals before the end of the year while inventories and incentives were...
2 Min Read•Jan 3•David Thomas

Pull Back the Curtain on Your Dealership’s F&I to Modernize the Car Sales Process
Today’s car buyers value a fast, easy and convenient experience. Transactions have become faster over time due to tools like...
3 Min Read•Dec 21•Jason Swiech

F&I at the Dealership
There is little debate of the value the F&I function provides a car dealership. However, as the industry consider who...
1 Min Read•Dec 14•CDK Global

Speed Up the Car Buying Experience With Modern Retailing
The time it takes between when a customer walks through a dealership’s doors to driving off the lot is crucial...
3 Min Read•Dec 13•CDK Global

4 Common Questions About Modern Retail in Automotive
Modern retail is a term everyone is buzzing about. Yet, there are still a lot of questions about what it...
4 Min Read•Dec 6•Jen Miller

More Car Buyers Visit Just One Dealership in November
Last month, higher inventories led to more people finding the car they wanted in stock and, at the same time,...
2 Min Read•Dec 5•David Thomas

Why Process Is as Important as Dealership Technology
Customers are increasingly vocal about subpar service and they’re taking it online. According to the latest National Customer Rage Survey...
3 Min Read•Dec 4•CDK Global